tamcolors.tam package


tamcolors.tam.tam_loop module

class tamcolors.tam.tam_loop.TAMFrame(fps, char, foreground_color, background_color, min_width=0, max_width=1000, min_height=0, max_height=1000)

Bases: object

done(tam_loop, loop_data)

info: will clean up the frame and can only be called once :param tam_loop: TAMLoop :param loop_data: dict :return:

draw(tam_buffer, loop_data)

info: will draw frame onto terminal :param tam_buffer: TAMBuffer :param loop_data: dict :return:


info: gets defaults :return: (str, int, int)


info: returns the frame fps :return: int


info: returns min and max height :return: (int, int)


info: returns min and max width :return: (int, int)

make_buffer_ready(tam_buffer, screen_width, screen_height)

info: will make buffer ready for frame :param tam_buffer: TAMBuffer :param screen_width: int: 0 - inf :param screen_height: int: 0 - inf :return:

update(tam_loop, keys, loop_data)

info: will update terminal :param tam_loop: TAMLoop :param keys: list, tuple :param loop_data: dict :return:

class tamcolors.tam.tam_loop.TAMLoop(tam_frame, io=None, only_any_os=False, color_change_key='ESCAPE', loop_data=None, stability_check=False, tam_color_defaults=True, highest_mode_lock=False, preferred_mode=None, test_mode=False)

Bases: object


info: will add a TAMFrame to stack :param frame: TAMFrame :return:


info: will stop tam loop :param: reset_colors_to_console_defaults: bool :return: None


info: Will get color from color palette 16 :param spot: int :return: RGBA


info: Will get color from color palette 2 :param spot: int :return: RGBA


info: Will get color from color palette 2 :param spot: int :return: RGBA


info: Will get color from color palette 256 :param spot: int :return: RGBA


info: None has not ran, True is running, False has ran :return: bool or None


info: will remove TAMFrame from stack :return: TAMFrame or None


info: will reset colors to console defaults :return: None


info: will call tam loop :return: None

static run_application(*args, **kwargs)

info: will run tam loop as an application note: when tam loop is done running the program will quit if tam loop has an error and the frame does not catch it the error will be printed onto the screen and the program will quit after user input :param args: :param kwargs: :return:


info: will run with a profiler and print out data when done :return: None

set_color_16(spot, color)

info: sets a color value :param spot: int :param color: RGBA :return: None

set_color_16_pal_256(spot, color)

info: sets a color value :param spot: int :param color: int :return: None

set_color_2(spot, color)

info: sets a color value :param spot: int :param color: RGBA :return: None

set_color_256(spot, color)

info: sets a color value :param spot: int :param color: RGBA :return: None


info: will set console colors to tam defaults :return: None


info: only works in test mode but lets you update and draw in tests :param keys: tuple: ((str, str), …) :return: TAMBuffer or None

exception tamcolors.tam.tam_loop.TAMLoopError

Bases: Exception

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